About us

Igbomina Project North America Logo
Igbomina Project North America Logo

Vision Statement:

To offer sustainable community projects and services that enhance, improve and transform quality of lives of people of Igbomina land.

Mission Statement:

To be of selfless service to communities and people of Igbomina land

Goals & objectives:

  • Collections, procurement and distributions of medical and hospital equipment, science and engineering equipment for hospitals, community health centers and educational institutions in the sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Provision and maintenance of mobile medical clinic service in collaboration with community based healthcare service providers to remote areas.
  • Organizing creative life skills training, seminars, workshop and promoting informational and educational activities towards alleviating unemployment, underachievement and poverty.
  • Organizing people to volunteer, donate money and provision of resources for community outreach projects to improve life in Igbomina communities.
  • Advocating for disadvantaged people to ensure that basic needs are addressed.
  • Partnering with other organizations with similar objectives to achieve any or all of our goals and objectives, and reaching out to the needy people in the public irrespective of race, color, sex or creed.

We invite you to Join us to build Igbomina land together.

Succour is on the way for the physically challenged Sokedile family at Oyate-Oroago in Ifelodun local government area of the state through a philanthropist organization, Igbomina Project, North America.

It is recalled that earlier this week, the video clips depicting pathetic living conditions of Sokedile family of three members went viral in the social media.

The three members of the family including the mother are crippled but endowed with various skills of labour, a situation which look pathetic and called for concern.

However rising to the challenges, the organization through its President, Otunba Bode Ojeleye dispatched a fact finding mission to the family at Ilafe Compound, Oyate-Oroago on Wednesday.

With the report and assessment of the team, Igbomina Project, North America, according to Otunba Bode Ojeleye has resolved to immediately provide the family with foodstuff, wheelchairs, walkers, sewing machine amongst others with a view to ensuring a good living for family.

Otunba Oyeleye also disclosed that the organization will encourage a volunteer resident nearby the family to assist whenever they might need help.

He viewed the family’s situation with empathy and promised his organization’s support to them from time to time.

Igbomina Project, North America is a non governmental organization comprising of Igbomina sons and daughters living in North America. It has been involved in free distributions of medical equipment and materials to hospitals and individuals aside from medications.